Akiba Rubinstein Akiba Rubinstein Akiba Rubinstein
Rudolf Spielmann
Akiba Rubinstein
August 14, 1920 – Gothenburg SWE
1.e4Notes by Akiba Rubinstein and Rudolf Spielmann.1…c52.Nf3Nf63.e5Nd54.c4Nc75.d4cxd46.Qxd4Nc67.Qe4d58.exd6Qxd69.Nc3e5Rubinstein: The best continuation is 9…f5. If White’s queen leaves the e-file, then 10…e5 with good development. If 10.Qe2, then Black can play 10…g6, followed by …Bg7 and …e5.10.Bf4!10…f611.Rd1Qb4Rubinstein: After this move Black runs into difficulties. Better seems to be 11…Qe6 or 11…Qe7, with the possibility of putting the queen on f7.12.Bc1Be713.a3Qa514.Qc2! Spielmann: Avoiding the threat 14…Bxa3. In case of 14.b4 Black has 14…Nxb4, and against 14.Bd2 he could play 14…Qb6 15.b4 f5, followed by 16…Nd4.14…e4! Rubinstein: Black’s queen is in danger – the threat is 15.b4 when White wins at least a piece. The ideas behind the pawn sacrifice are to free the queen and obtain good attacking chances.15.Bd2Spielmann: Not 15.Qxe4 because of 15…Bf5 16.Qe3 O-O with a strong attack. Unclear is 15.b4 Bxb4!?.15…exf316.Nd5Qc5Spielmann: Here an interesting continuation is 16…Nd4 and if 17.Qe4 then 17…Qc5 18.Bb4 Bf5 with the advantage.17.Nxc7+Kf718.Nxa8Bg419.Be3Qa5+20.Rd2Rxa821.c5Spielmann: Also worth considering is 21.gxf3 Bxf3 22.Rg1.21…Ne522.g3Rd823.Bc4+Spielmann: White must make a difficult decision. After 23.b4 Qxa3 24.Qa2+ Qxa2 25.Rxa2, Black has good opportunities. I rejected 23.Qb3+ Be6 24.Qxb7 because of 24…Rxd2! 25.Bxd2 Qc5.23…Nxc424.Qxc4+Be625.Qb4Qa626.Kd1Rc827.Rc2b628.Kc1bxc529.Qe4Spielmann: If 29.Bxc5? Qc6.29…c430.Bd4Rd831.Re1Bf832.Rd2g633.Qxf3Spielmann: Not 33.g4?, because of 33…c3!.33…Bf534.Qe3Rc835.Bc3Bd336.Qd4Qc637.g4?! Spielmann: This loses. True, after 37.Qxa7+ Rc7 38.Qd4 (38.Qe3?? Re7) 38…Bc5! 39.Qh4 g5 40.Qh5+ Bg6 Black still has good counterplay.37…Bc538.Qf4g539.Qg3Bd640.Qe3Bf441.Qe7+Kg642.Bxf6Rubinstein: This sacrifice is incorrect. Spielmann probably overlooked the point of Black’s 43rd move. Better is 42.Re6 Qh1+ 43.Re1 Bxd2+ 44.Kxd2, but Black still keeps the advantage after 44…Qf3 45.Qxa7 Qxg4 46.Qe3 Qg2 47.Qg3 (if 47.h3 Bf5) 47…Qc6, intending …Qa4 or …Rd8.42…Rc743.Qd8
43…Rd7! Spielmann: But not 43…Qxf6? 44.Qg8+ Rg7 45.Qe8+ and White wins the queen with 46.Re6.44.Qg8+Kxf645.Qf8+Kg646.Qg8+Kf647.Qf8+Rf748.Qh8+Rg749.h4Qd750.h5Kf751.Re3Bxe352.fxe3Ke60–1
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